1: Myth: Biden's Social Security Fairness Act will hurt retirees. Fact: The act aims to strengthen Social Security benefits for workers.

2: Myth: The act will increase taxes for all Americans. Fact: Only high-income earners will see a modest tax increase.

3: Myth: The act will negatively impact small businesses. Fact: Small businesses will not be burdened by this legislation.

4: Myth: Social Security will run out of funds because of this act. Fact: The act will help ensure the longevity of Social Security.

5: Myth: The act is a partisan agenda. Fact: The act has bipartisan support in Congress.

6: Myth: The act will discourage people from saving for retirement. Fact: The act aims to provide more security for retirees.

7: Myth: The act will lead to increased government control. Fact: The act seeks to empower individuals in their retirement planning.

8: Myth: The act will harm the economy. Fact: The act will strengthen the economy by supporting retirees.

9: Myth: The act is unnecessary. Fact: The act addresses crucial issues facing Social Security today.