1: 1. Myth: Blood in rare steak is dangerous. Truth: The red liquid in rare steak is not blood; it's myoglobin, a protein that gives meat its red color.

2: 2. Myth: Rare steak is not safe to eat. Truth: Consuming rare steak is safe as long as it has been cooked to the proper internal temperature to kill bacteria.

3: 3. Myth: Rare steak is tough and chewy. Truth: Rare steak can be just as tender and juicy as more well-done cuts when cooked and prepared correctly.

4: 4. Myth: Rare steak is less flavorful. Truth: Rare steak retains more of its natural flavors and juices compared to more well-done cuts.

5: 5. Myth: Rare steak is only for the brave. Truth: Enjoying rare steak is a matter of personal preference and culinary taste, not courage.

6: 6. Myth: Rare steak is high in fat and cholesterol. Truth: The fat and cholesterol content of rare steak is similar to that of more well-done cuts.

7: 7. Myth: Rare steak is difficult to cook at home. Truth: With the right tools and techniques, cooking a perfect rare steak at home is achievable.

8: 8. Myth: Rare steak must be served immediately after cooking. Truth: Resting rare steak allows the juices to redistribute evenly, resulting in a more flavorful and tender cut.

9: 9. Myth: Rare steak is not suitable for certain cuts of meat. Truth: Any cut of meat can be cooked rare if prepared and cooked properly according to the chef's recommendations.